So here is what was hyped up more than you can believe... before me sits a piece of black forest chocolate cake and we are IN the Black Forest region of Germany. Melissa and I were so excited, this was our lunch. We skipped all real food and went straight for the cake.Shortly after this photo was taken another one should have been taken with a big disappointed look on my face. It was awfullllllllllllllll............. But did we eat it all?..., yea! Cost like ten bucks.
Strangely up until today we were getting the feeling everything in Europe is like everything in America only double the cost. But today we hit Paris and that all changed. Stories to come!
To sum up this post.......the cake sucked. If you get the chance go for some at home.
P.S. Up top was the place we were at. Also this area of Germany is home of the cuckoo clocks.
The place in the top pic looks quaint. Did the black forest cake have dark, dark chocolate in it? Bitter? Or just not very tasty?