Sunday, June 19, 2011

Spain and the Train

We made it to Spain! Took the over night train.

But mom, this post was mostly for you to let you know we made it ok.

The cabin was TIGHT, really tight. Melissa and my luggage took up the whole room. Luckily there was only one other lady in there instead of two. We didn't find anything special about this Euro Rail. Although mom, it wasn't as bad as India, haha. I remember Sean couldn't even sit up on the top bunk. You could on this one... kind of. You can see from the pictures.

I ventured down to the bar and spent another $5 on a diet coke.

Then, we both slept over night and they woke us up this morning an hour before Barcelona.

Now time to see what this city is all about.


1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you made it through the train ride. Good thing there was only one other extra "T" in your room.
